Trading Session of Sunday 2025-03-09 for Saudi Stock Market is (Currently /closed) at (11836.52) point, with (An increase) of (0.22)%.
(An increase) in trading value of (3,953,682,657) SAR compared with the (7,081,065,985) SAR,
with a 189,146,729 shares, carried out by the 358,062 contracts.
Depending on Indicies readings of (2025-03-06):
Index movement within short ranges is Bearish,
within the presence of prices below the moving
average for the last 10 and 20 days.
As for the medium ranges, the Index movement is Bearish, within the presence of
prices below the moving average for the last 50 days.
And for the long ranges, the Index movement is Bearish, within the presence of
prices below the moving average for the last 100 days.
For registered momentum indicator RSI levels of 24.2184, this means
that Momentum is
negative and in favor of the down trend,
where the value of RSI is required to stay above the 50 levels to keep the case of positive momentum.
The Liquidity movement is negative, regarding what is confirmed by
monitoring liquidity movement CMF indicator.
The top five gainers:
Albattal Factory for Chemical Industries Co.
Leaf Global Environmental Services Co.
Mulkia Investment Co.
National Building and Marketing Co.
The top five losers:
Mouwasat Medical Services Co.
Walaa Cooperative Insurance Co.
Al Majed Oud Co.
Nice One Beauty Digital Marketing Co.
Purity for Information Technology Co.